Posts Tagged ‘construction industry’
May I focus your attention to the Big Top?
The building industry has been facing an apparent level of increasing difficulty in these current times, with the recent supply constraints and higher pricing fluctuations. These problems allow for great opportunity to make advantageous changes in the industry, now more than ever. But how, and what is the best answer? Please direct your attention to…
Read MoreMillennial Housing Crisis, and Solution, after Covid-19
As millennials are now seeking independent living accommodation, availability, cost, and response time to build are primary concerns for building material suppliers and builders. According to’s recent article, America at Home: Almost Half of Renters Want to Buy a Home After COVID-19, 46% of current renters say they would now prefer to own versus…
Read MoreCan I supply modular, manufactured and field-built companies?
In the world of manufacturing, building, engineering and sales, there are only two positions in the marketplace: moving forward or falling behind! If status quo is comfortable, you are slowly moving backwards, as innovation waits for no one! As we emerge from the pandemic, consumers will be looking for their “best bang for the…
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