Affordable Housing Crisis Worsens!

The economy is in a real mess, the population continues to grow, and so does the demand for moderate income homes, which is the largest housing sector!

Currently in the United States the shortage is exceeding 7 million homes. According to ADL Ventures, to just hit the minimum housing production requirement for sustainable development, the current offsite manufacturing sector needs to increase by 20 times over the next 8 years!!!

This is a rather frightening prospect if you’re young and trying to secure a future for your family. With lending interest on the rise, the current young generations are looking to technology to help them overcome the challenges to acquire their first home.

The technology is readily available in a couple of different formats. With the expanding need growing exponentially over the next 8 years, no one manufacturer or technology will solve the crisis. This will be a collective effort addressing this shortage.

A Gorilla Composites HSC panel production line can produce enough panels to assemble 11.5 1,200 sqf homes per day. A GCI panel plant at full production can produce as many as 3,750 homes per year per panel line.

With a 7-month R.O.I. (1 shift per day, 5-day week) GCI HSC panel production lines pay for themselves quickly and easily.

For more information, visit  If you want to be part of the solution and make a difference, contact Greg Leja at or 708-785-2898.